Friday, August 10, 2007

Confused Man Circumvents Airport Security

Chalk another one up for "national security" and the billions of dollars being put into keeping us "safer". According to CNN "A man allegedly circumvented security Friday at Charlotte-Douglas International Airport in Charlotte, North Carolina".
They have no idea whether the man had ill intent after his stealthy stroll right past security on Concourse C of the airport, but they obviously can't take any chances. The man passed through security at around 8 am and security then shut the concourse down to conduct a search of it and the planes.
This is the quote from "Officials shut down Concourse C to conduct a search, but were not immediately able to locate him." Then they go on in the very next sentence to say "Allen said officials are searching about a half-dozen planes, but 10 others left before officials were able to search the flights."
TSA wasn't able to immediately find him...nor were they able to find him 5 minutes after that... or after that. So they are searching each plane.. hoping to find him but the man must be a crazy ninja guy... because he was not able to be found before a few planes took off... Solution? Reverse screen the planes when they land... WHEN THEY LAND... Holy... Mother... Fuc... You know what... I'll let you do the swearing for me.
Props to you Mr. "Got-Confused-and-Dodged-Homeland-Security" Guy. They should have a bud light commercial on the radio for you.

Man, I am so happy for our tightened homeland security. I mean we slow lines down to the point where you have to get there hours early so the line doesn't make you late for your plane... Which was a good tactic (and obviously a Bush one). Let's make the line unbearable for people, so only those really hell bent on getting on a plane will wait. If any "bad guys" get to the front of the line we will spank them on the hand and send them to Guantanamo Bay so they can be prosecuted for masturbating alone in their jail cell. Oh and by the way... There is no evidence that they were seen IN PERSON... This sick son of a bitch that is pressing charges was WATCHING ON CAMERA... ON CAMERA.... Ugh, God bless America...with a hurricane.

Oh and for all you people who just love our law enforcers.... Because police officer if just a marshmallow term for a group of fascists. Bitch to me about the good ones... then watch this bull shit.

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